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Speak Up for Worker Representation in OSHA Inspections!

OSHA is currently working on a new rule affirming workers' right to choose a representative during safety investigations. National COSH and our partners at Sur Legal need YOUR voice to make it even stronger!

Get Involved:

Submit a comment directly to OSHA through this link, urging them to allow workers to choose their OSHA inspection representative. Draw from your personal experience to emphasize why this matters to you. Consider the following:

  • Would I, as a worker, speak up during an inspection without a trusted rep accompanying the OSHA investigator during the walkaround? If not, share these concerns with OSHA, providing specific workplace examples.
  • Reflect on real-life workplace examples to strengthen your comment. For example, was there a time when workers couldn’t participate fully in an inspection because the OSHA investigator didn’t speak their preferred language? Your comment can make a difference. Act NOW and let OSHA know why this change is vital for safer workplaces.


Protect Workers from Deadly Heat!

Protect Workers from Deadly Heat!

2,000 workers die each year from dangerous heat exposure on the job.

Exposure to excessive heat is one of the most dangerous problems facing workers today. Congress has the power to protect workers now by passing the interim heat standard.

National COSH and Public Citizen invite you to join us and raise your voice for Heat Stress Action Week. 


Twin Peaks Workers


Manager Andrew "Hunter" Kirkpatrick dumped their lunches, threatened to call the police regarding their immigration status and much more. The workers are asking you to flood their IG asking Hunter to resign.

Since they are restricting comments on their posts, send them a direct message to their Instagram page OR call them at 615-221-0869, OR email them at

Let's show these workers some solidarity!

Kingspan Workers


While Kingspan may describe itself as “planet passionate”, their employees will tell you otherwise. At their Santa Ana, California plant, Kingspan subjects employees to indoor air pollution. Employees were so concerned for their safety that they conducted their own independent, indoor air monitoring test and found unhealthy levels of air pollution. For these reasons and more, we urge you to help us tell the green building community that Kingspan is not the sustainable partner it presents itself to be.

Watch Video

Hilton Hotels


Rooms are much dirtier when they go days without cleaning, but Hilton recently announced plans to end the standard of automatic daily housekeeping. Hilton said its goal is to “retrain customers” to expect reduced housekeeping services. But Hilton has ALSO said that customers can opt for daily housekeeping at no extra charge – just call the front desk and ask for your room to be cleaned every day. Join housekeepers’ fight for safe workloads by signing their petition and opting in to daily housekeeping whenever you stay at a hotel.

To learn more about 2022's Dirty Dozen companies, click here.

Strippers United Pic


Strippers are service workers who deserve safe working conditions, free from harassment like any other worker. Star Garden dancers shared their stories of harassment, physical assault and intimidation. Despite raising their concerns with the club management, not much was done and some of them were even fired for speaking out. Join us in demanding your right to a workplace free of retaliation, physical assault, and fear.

Watch the VIDEO


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Do you love learning about worker led campaigns? National COSH and its partners are leaders in creating and nourishing worker campaigns across this country and our movement grows stronger with you! Click to join the movement.

WorkedUp About US


WorkedUp is a new initiative, uniting worker organizations to lift up workers’ voices and experiences. Our goal is to inspire support for worker-led campaigns to achieve safety, health and respect on the job.