2022 | Virtual Event
- Cipriano Belser, COSH Activist Award
- We Count! Que Calor Worker Committee, Worker Power Award
- Strippers United, Worker Justice Award
- SEIU 32BJ Airport Workers Campaign, Workplace Organizing Award
2021 | Virtual Event (en español)
- Darryl Alexander, Eula Bingham Lifetime Achievement Award / Premio Eula Bingham, Logros de toda una vida.
- Philadelphia Coalition for Restaurant Safety and Health, Worker Justice Award / Premio a la Justicia del Trabajador.
- Western North Carolina Worker Center Worker Committee, Worker Leadership Award / Premio al liderazgo del trabajador.
- Alice Berliner, COSH Activist Award / Premio Activista.
2020 | Virtual Event (en español)
- Worker Justice Award winners:
- Jamilla Allen, a fast-food worker from Durham, NC and a member of Fight for 15.
- Maria Luisa Almanza, a longtime member of New Labor in New Jersey and a vocal organizer for domestic workers and
- Garment Worker Protection Act Committee, leading the fight for fair pay and improved safety for the essential workers in Los Angeles who are protecting all of us by producing masks and hospital robes.
- Eula Bingham Award winner Linda Delp, Director of UCLA LOSH
2019 | Baltimore, MD
- Milagros Barreto, MassCOSH, COSH Trainer Award
- Samantha Wooten, NHCOSH, COSH Activist Award
- Peg Seminario, AFL-CIO (retired), Tony Mazzocchi Award
2018 | Baltimore, MD
- Alejandra Domenzain, UC Berkeley, Labor Occupational Health Program, COSH Educator Award
- Mark Catlin, SEIU (Retired) and MDC Consulting and Training, Tony Mazzocchi Award
- Veronica Lagunas, Promotora, SEIU-USWW, COSH Activist Award
- Wynne Family, COSH Community Activist Award
2017 | Baltimore, MD
- Marianela Acuña Arreaza, Fe y Justicia Worker Center/Houston COSH, COSH Activist Award
- Alan White, United Steelworkers Local 593, COSH Community Activist Award
- Fernando Tapia, UFCW International, COSH Educator Award
- Jim Howe, United Auto Workers and Safety Solutions, Tony Mazzocchi Award
2016 | Baltimore, MD
- Jordan Barab, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health, Lifetime Achievement Award
- Lee Clark, Special Assistant to the President of Local 1549, District Council 37, AFSCME, Tony Mazzochi Award, named for the legendary health and safety activist who helped pass the original OSH Act
- Randy Rodriguez, Occupational Safety and Health Committee Chair, CWA Local 6222, Houston Texas, Health and Safety Trainer Award
- Nicole Marquez and Jora Trang, Worksafe, Social Justice Award
2015 │ Baltimore, MD
- Roger Cook, Western New York COSH, Tony Mazzocchi Award
- Rod Hitchler, United Support and Memorial for Workplace Fatalities, Community Activist Award
- Alejandro Zuñiga, Fe y Justicia Worker Center, Trainer Award
- Bethany Boggess, Fatality Data Workgroup, Health and Safety Innovation Award
- Barbara Gertz, Our Walmart Campaign, Organizer Award