Press Room

Point of View

  • 2 Jul 2024

    Public Statement in Support of OSHA’S Proposed Heat Rule

    The National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) strongly supports OSHA’s proposed rule to address heat-related hazards for both indoor and outdoor workers. The rule, which was announced today, is a critical step in protecting millions of workers from heat-related illnesses and injuries.

  • 5 Jun 2024

    Local opinion: Arizona workers are dying for heat protection

    As we progress towards an ordinance here in Southern Arizona, let’s be bold in our determination to effectively confront the ever-more-deadly challenge that heat presents in our workplaces. We have the resources in our community to make this program the model for the rest of the state. Let’s honor the memory of Dario Mendoza – and others who, like him, shouldn’t have died on the job – by passing the robust heat exposure ordinance our workers need and deserve.

  • 26 Apr 2024

    Workers Shouldn’t Have to Risk Heat Stroke

    Too many workers have already died from laboring in extreme heat due to climate change.

    By: Jessica Martinez and Katelyn Parady

    From The Progressive

  • 27 Mar 2024

    Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Greater Protections Needed for Immigrant Workers

    It is with heavy hearts that we acknowledge the stark reality that Latino men, like those who were part of the construction crew, face the highest rate of workplace fatalities in the United States. This sobering statistic underscores the urgent need for greater protections and safety measures for immigrant workers, who often take on dangerous jobs in construction and other industries to support their families.

COSH Network in the News

  • America's Workforce Podcast

    OSHA's Proposed Heat Standards Enter 120-day Comment Period

    9 Jul 2024

    Marcy Goldstein-Gelb, Co-Chair of the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (NCOSH), joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s proposed heat rule.

  • OHS Online

    OSHA Announces New Proposed Rule to Shield Workers from Extreme Heat

    9 Jul 2024

    The National Safety Council (NSC) and National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) both released statements supporting the proposed measure. The NSC pointed out that recommendations it has long advocated for are included in OSHA’s proposal. Meanwhile, the National COSH was “motivated and encouraged” by the news, applauding its “clear framework for promoting a culture of safety and responsibility.”

  • Work-Bites

    OSHA Heat Rules Could Save Your Life—But Will They Be Enforced?

    6 Jul 2024

    “It couldn’t have come a moment too soon,” Marcy Goldstein-Gelb, co-executive director of the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, told Work-Bites, adding that the proposed rules will protect “untold numbers” of workers.


  • Reckon

    How extreme heat and political inaction are killing America’s outdoor workers

    27 Jun 2024

    ”It is absolutely asinine that we have legislators in Tallahassee dictating what local communities should be deciding in their own backyards,” said Esteban Wood, policy director for WeCount, a nonprofit that advocates for immigrant workers in South Florida. “We need to be incredibly responsive to protecting the health and safety of the workers who grow our food, who build our cities, who keep our economies running.”