YES! I want to sustain workers’ movement for health & safety by designating National COSH as a/my beneficiary. One of the easiest ways to secure a strong future for the worker health and safety movement you’ve helped build is to designate National COSH as a beneficiary on your financial accounts (including annuities), pension and retirement accounts, and/or life insurance policy.
Simply login to your account(s) or reach out to your financial institution(s) or insurance provider to update your named beneficiary. We recommend having National COSH’s Federal Tax ID # onhand: 20-1190377. You may designate that National COSH receive a certain percentage of the benefit, or the entire benefit.
You can do this with any account you have that permits you to name beneficiaries, such as accounts established through employers. For example: 401k, 403b, or 457 accounts.

YES! I want to sustain workers’ movement for health & safety by including National COSH in my will or estate. Here’s some sample language to get you started.
I give to the National Council for Occupational Safety & Health, a nonprofit organization currently located at lls Branch Parkway Suite 110B #241 Austin, TX 78728-9997, [written $ amount or % of estate], for its unrestricted use and purpose.
Please note: National COSH unfortunately does not accept gifts of real or personal property.
YES! I want to sustain workers’ movement for health & safety by giving to National COSH directly from my IRA.
Are you 70.5 years or older? You can make gifts of up to $100,000/year directly from your IRA to National COSH, without having to pay income taxes on the money.
Once you are 73, you may also give to National COSH directly from your IRA from your required minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRA. You’ll pay no income taxes on it, and it won’t count as income, so you may experience tax benefits including reducing your tax bracket. You could give some or all of your RMD.
Charitable rollovers from your IRA must come to National COSH directly from your financial institution. (If you receive a check for your RMD and then donate some or all of it to National COSH, the RMD amount will be treated as income and subject to tax.) Please let Katelyn Parady know if you plan to make a gift from your IRA so that we can properly thank you and recognize your generosity (email: / cell: 307-389-7387)

What about Roth IRAs? See our FAQs below!
National COSH is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. We cannot provide legal or financial advice. Please speak with your financial advisor or attorney about your planned giving options.
Federal Tax ID # 20-1190377
National Council for Occupational Safety and Health
1779 Wells Branch Parkway Suite 110B #241 Austin, TX 78728-9997
What about giving to National COSH directly from my ROTH IRA?
Roth IRAs do not have Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), and they’ve already been taxed, so donating from them will not reduce your income. You may be eligible for a tax deduction if you itemize a donation from your Roth IRA, however - we recommend checking with a financial advisor. You may list National COSH as a beneficiary on a Roth IRA or on an employer-sponsored 401k.
Does National COSH offer a charitable gift annuities program? National COSH does not currently offer a charitable gift annuities program; however you may designate National COSH as a beneficiary on your own annuities.
Have questions that aren’t answered here? Let us know what you’d like to see added to our FAQs!