Fact Sheets and Information by Industry/Occupation
- CalOSHA: COVID-19 Infection Prevention for Agricultural Employers and Employees
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE:Agriculture and Livestock
- EPA: Temporary Guidance on Respiratory Protection for Agricultural Pesticide Handlers During COVID-19
Auto Dealerships and Rental Operations
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Automobile Dealerships and Rentals
Building Maintenence
- ASHRAE: Building Readiness information
Childcare Facilities/Schools
- CalOSHA: COVID-19 Infection Prevention in Childcare Programs
- Washington State Department of Health: Cleaning for Teachers
- NJ Education Association: Cleaning to fight COVID-19 in schools and at home
Cleaning/Custodial Staff (private sector)
- MassCOSH: Cleaning for Coronavirus
- MFL Occupational Health Center (Canada): Protecting workers from COVID-19- Cleaning and Janitorial
- AIHA: Effective and Safe Practices, Guidance for Custodians, Cleaning, and Maintenance Staff
- CPWR: COVID-19 Resources
- CPWR: Guidance on COVID-19
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Construction
Domestic Workers
- National Domestic Workers Alliance: Resource Hub for Domestic Workers
Education - Schools
- Toolbox/Resources for Educators during COVID-19/Delta (Caja de Herramientas/Recursos para Educadores)
- CDC: Strategies for Protecting K-12 School Staff from COVID-19
- NJEA: Cleaning to fight COVID-19 in Schools and at Home
- NJEA: We're Open or we're Not, Now What
- NJEA: Good Contract Language Increases Your Rights for Action
Energy and Utilities
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Energy and Utilities
Foodservice/Food Processing
- U.S. Food & Drug Administration: Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- World Health Organization: COVID-19 and food safety: guidance for food businesses
- UFCW: Meatpacking Recommendations
- University of Nebraska: Meat Processing Facility COVID-19 Playbook
- University of Nebraska: Meat Processing Facility COVID-19 Checklist
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Food Packing and Processing
- MFL Occupational Health Center (Canada): Protecting workers from COVID-19 - Food Processing
- University of Washington DEOHS: Keeping food trucks and workers safe
Garment Workers
- Worker Rights Consortium and Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network: Effective Infection Control Practices and Policiesfor Operating Apparel and Textile Factories
- IFPTE: COVID-Free Workplace Plan - templates for implementing Federal employee vaccine mandates
Grocery Store Workers
- CalOSHA: COVID-19 Infection Prevention in Grocery Stores
- MFL Occupational Health Center (Canada): Protecting Workers from COVID-19 - Grocery Store Workers
Health Care Workers
- National Nurses United: National Nurses United Response To COVID-19
- NY State Nurses Association: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Practice Alert, fact sheet
- NY State Nurses Association: Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Virus WHAT HEALTHCARE WORKERS NEED TO KNOW
- OPEIU: Implementing Engineering and Administrative Controls to Prevent the Spread of SARS CoV-2 Among Healthcare Workers & Patients
- National Union of Healthcare Workers: NUHW Workplace Safety Policy Positions for the COVID-19 Pandemic
- National Union of Healthcare Workers: Healthcare Workers' Bill of Rights
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Life Sciences
- OSHA: COVID-19 Guidance for Nursing Home and Long-Term Care Facility Workers
Home Health Care
- University of Massachusetts Lowell: Safe Home Care Fact Sheets
Heat Stress
- Public Citizen: Protecting Workers from Heat Stress and COVID-19
Hotel Workers
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Hotels and Lodging
Local Health Departments
- Human Impact Partners: California Local Health Department Actions for Worker Health and Safety During COVID-19
Logistics and Warehousing Facilities
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Logistics and Warehousing Facilities
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Manufacturing
Mining and Logging
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Mining and Logging
Nail/Beauty Salons
- NIOSH: What Nail Salon Employees Need to Know about COVID-19
- Women's Voices for the Earth: Recommendations for reducing exposures to toxic chemicals in salons
Office Workspaces
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Office Workspaces
Package Delivery
- OSHA: COVID-19 Guidance for the Package Delivery Workforce
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Delivery Services
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Ports
Real Estate
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Real Estate Transactions
Retail Establishments
- Western NY COSH: Guidance for Cashiers in Retail Establishments During COVID-19 Outbreak
- CDC: What Airport Retail or Food Service Workers Need to Know about COVID-19
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Retail
- OSHA: Guidance for Retail Pharmacies
Security Guards
- MFL Occupational Health Center (Canada): Protecting Workers from COVID-19 - Security Guards
Transportation Workers
- Association of Flight Attendants-CWA: Coronavirus information for flight attendants
- Amalgamated Transit Workers: COVID-19 Rapid Response Center
- CDC: What Airline Catering Kitchen Workers Need to Know about COVID-19
- CDC: What Airline Catering Truck Drivers and Helpers Need to Know about COVID-19
- California Department of Public Health: COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Public Transit and Intercity Passenger Rail
Multiple industries
- CalOSHA: Cal/OSHA Guidance on Requirements to Protect Workers from Coronavirus
- AFSCME (health care, child care, etc.): General Guidance for U.S. Workers and Employers
- AFSCME: Fact Sheets in English and Spanish
- ITUC/Hazards (International union resources and more): Coronavirus Resource Hub
- United Steelworkers: COVID-19 Resources
Survivors of Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
- Workplaces Respond to Domestic and Sexual Violence: Coronavirus - Survivors & the Workplace
- Workplaces Respond to Domestic and Sexual Violence: Supporting Workers Experiencing Domestic & Sexual Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic