Federal and State Relief Bills
- Economic Policy Institute: Working Economics Blog on the types of legislative relief under consideration
- Harvard Labor Work Life Program: How States and Localities can Protect Workplace Safety and Health
Featured Bill - "Heroes Act"
- Essential workers have continued to ensure that we can have access to food, health care, sanitation, and other vital goods and services. Yet our country has failed to take care of these workers. Every day, these workers labor in unsafe conditions without appropriate equipment, safety standards, or job protections.
- The HEROES Act contains 9 of the 10 provisions of the Essential Workers Bill of Rights: health and safety protections, fair compensation, truly universal sick and family leave, health care security and job protections.*
- Insist that the next federal stimulus package includes these urgent provision.
Federal Bills
- H.R. 6201 Families First Coronavirus Response Act*
- National Law Review - Summary of H.R. 6201 Families First Coronavirus Response Act
- Senate HELP Committee: Details of Senate-passed CARES Act
- Center for Economic and Policy Research - Comparison of Federal bills*
State Bills
- National Conference of State Legislatures: State Action on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- National Employment Law Project: List of states that have adopted COVID-19 worker safety protections as of December 20, 2020
- Oregon OSHA: Infectious Disease Standard General Info
- Michigan (MIOSHA): Emergency Rules Infographic
- California: Enacted an Emergency Temporary Standard to protect workers from COVID-19
Municipal/County Responses
- Santa Clara County (CA): Social Distancing Measures for Businesses Still Operating
- New Bedford (MA): Emergency Order to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in Industrial Facilities*
COVID-19 Policy Tracking (all general policy, not only relief legislation)
COVID-19 Today.org: A non-profit project to track Covid19 policies across the United States